Processor-in-the-Loop Simulation and Advanced Modeling of Power Electronic Systems
08:30 |
Registration |
09:00 |
Analysis Tools (New Multitone Analysis)
Exercise: Control design of a flyback converter using PLECS |
10:15 |
Break |
10:30 |
Principle of a Processor-in-the-Loop simulation
Exercise: PIL simulation for a BLDC motor control |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:00 |
Processor-in-the-Loop simulation (continuation) Exercise: PIL simulation for a BLDC motor control |
14:00 |
Break |
15:00 |
Code Integration via C-Script and DLL block
Exercise: Efficient PWM generation using the PLECS C-Script block Q&A |
17:00 |
End of Day |
There is another workshop in the same location on January 27, 2015.
Felix Prausse
Roman Troesch, +41 (0)44 533 51 00
Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme
Heidenhofstrasse 2
79110 Freiburg