Processor-in-the-Loop Simulation and Advanced Modeling of Power Electronic Systems
08:30 |
Registration |
09:00 |
Analysis Tools (New Multitone Analysis)
Exercise: Control design of a flyback converter using PLECS |
10:15 |
Break |
10:30 |
Principle of a Processor-in-the-Loop simulation
Exercise: PIL simulation for a BLDC motor control |
11:45 |
Lunch |
12:45 |
Processor-in-the-Loop simulation (continuation) Exercise: PIL simulation for a BLDC motor control |
14:00 |
Break |
14:15 |
Code Integration via C-Script and DLL block
Exercise: Efficient PWM generation using the PLECS C-Script block Q&A |
17:00 |
End of Day |
This workshop on April 14 addresses to anyone who already has experience with the simulation software PLECS.
There will be another workshop on April 13 in the same location.
Niklaus Felderer
Roman Troesch, +41 (0)44 533 51 00
The deadline for registration is April 8, 2016.
Technical University of Denmark
Flex Lab. 241, DTU Building 325, 2nd Floor
2800 Kgs. Lyngby