For a seminar with your company, please contact us.
Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Systems (Fully Booked)
For a seminar with your company, please contact us.
Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Systems (Fully Booked)
Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Systems
Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Systems
Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Systems
Real-Time Simulation using the PLECS RT Box
Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Systems
Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Systems
Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Systems
"The workshop considerably improved our understanding of PLECS. Using prepared examples as well as models related to existing projects at GvA, the speaker gave us valuable hints to simulate even more efficiently."
— Johannes Soldan, GvA Leistungselektronik GmbH